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  Itchy Feet 01.Jan.2009
A year of doing my own projects and travelling to different parts of Europe.

Forever Map on the Edge of Forever began life as an experiment into the possibilities of scripting using physical triggers setup like an old mechanical machine.

The early gameplay prototypes were designed in small box maps and consisted of a series of puzzle ideas to see what was possible with an modified Q3 engine.

The visual style was developed seperately and was inspired by a summer trip to Barcelona where I saw many of the Gaudi sites.

Focal Point started out life as an experiment to see if was possible to link together a portal sky and the ground space of a level.

Both domains are often treated as separate entities in maps and I felt it was worthwhile exercise to see if it was possible to create a visual link between the two.

The gameplay is designed to work with FFA + Tourney modes and has different item layouts. A big thank you to all the people that helped with this map, amazing final result.
Focal Point

Tegularium Tucked away in a small courtyard adjoining the main street of the Castle area in Veszprém is a Tegularium, a brick museum.

Housed in a dry cellar deep underground, the museum contains over 4000 bricks from various parts of Europe and stories about the people that created them.

A bygone trade of manual labour that seems to have been lost to the modern day world of mass production, lives on in this little stone haven.

I always try to take a lot of pictures of different places I visit and this is one Church I have loved since the first day I saw it 2 years ago. Eventually after much procrastinating I got the images in the correct order and spent some time getting the background info right.

The Church stands tall on the bank of the Duna river crowned by a beautiful example of Zsolnay roof tiles. Often missed by tourists because of the Matthias Church on the hillside above, this is a breathtaking example of Neogothic architectural styles.
Buda Reformed Church

Parthenon The Parthenon is the crowning glory of Athens standing tall atop of the Acropolis surrounded on all sides by a sea of urbanization.

Nowadays this historic site is littered with scaffolding, cranes and many large piles of stonework as restoration work is being carried out by the Greek government. The new Acropolis Museum built at the base of the hill now houses most of the original sculptures and is ironically more interesting than the ancient site itself.

The Topkapi Palace was the official residence of the Ottoman Sultans and home to over 4,000 people at the height of its existence. Many areas of the palace are decorated with richly coloured Iznik tiles creating many unique and interesting wall designs.

Some of the courtyard buildings have elaborate ceramic ceiling designs with the surrounding furniture adorned with beautiful mother-of-pearl and tortoise-shell inlays.
Ceramic Tiles

Hagia Sophia The Hagia Sophia is located near the Topkapi Palace and Blue Mosque, which are all close-by to the Bosphorus river. For more than a thousand years the cathedral had survived many natural disasters until the city of Constantinople was conquered by the Turks in 1453 and then converted into a mosque.

Having been rebuilt three times the building is a classic example of Byzantine architecture with a huge 102ft wide dome standing 180ft tall supported by giant stone columns.

At the front of the park 'de la ciutadella' is a grand archway called the Arc de Triomf which was designed for the 1888 Exhibition by 'Josep Vilaseca i Casanovas'.

The park land was originally a military fortress (ciutadella) and was converted into leafy landscape with a boating lake and several museums in the late 1860s.

I just love the amount of detail that is on this arch and the fact it is made of bricks, makes it even more gorgeous to me.

Sagrada Familia The Sagrada Familia by Guadi aka construction site infinitum.

Located at the opposite end of an avenue to Gaudi's Sagrada Familia, is a gorgeous looking fully functional hospital which was designed by Catalan architect Lluis Domènech i Montaner.

The 'church like' design is made up from eight pavilions surrounded by beautiful gardens and linked via a network of underground tunnels.

Each pavilion recalls the history of Catalonia and creates the perfect environment for patients to get better within.
Hospital de la Santa Creu

Casa Batlló Casa Batlló.

Parc Güell is a beautifully created landscape located on the hill of 'el Carmel' in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

It was designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and built between 1900 and 1914.

The park is named after Count Eusebi Güell who tried to create a tranquil setting for a housing site that was originally based on land called 'Montaña Pelada' (Bare Mountain).
Parc Güell

La Pedrera La Pedrera (meaning 'The Quarry') also known as Casa Milà is located near the centre of Barcelona and was designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí.

The facade of the building is a sea of glass, metal and concrete undulating in and out towards the street with wrought-iron balconies sprouting like weeds from the gaps, on a site that looks like it was grown organically from the foundation upwards.

Giddy up ...

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This site has been cobbled together by Simon O'Callaghan
Contact Information: Simon O'Callaghan
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